fulfilled helps build a strong community
Our Wish List
Drywall screw guns with tips
Tape Measures (16 ft.–25 ft.)
Arrow T-50 heavy-duty staple guns
16 oz. hammers
Utility knives
Chalk boxes
Heavy-duty extension cords (50 ft. #14)
9" Paint roller covers, medium size
9" Paint tray liners
40-gallon trash bags
Brown jersey work gloves
Carpenters' pencils
2-ft. Push brooms
Commercial weed eaters
7 ¼" Circular saws
10" Power miter saws
Zip drywall routers
30-gallon PVC garbage cans
2 ½" sash paint brushes
Sharpie markers
Arrow T-50 ¼" staples
Kubota tractor (with backhoe loader attachments)
To donate a piece of land to Habitat for Humanity, please contact Ken Cates or Kristin Smith.
Office Supplies
Copy paper (white and colored)
File folders
Paper cups and plates
For questions concerning items on this list or other donations please call (254)554-0923.
Are you looking for a way to get your company involved?
A great way to start is to have an office spirit week or an inter-office contest to raise funds to buy an item on our Wish List.
Money and in-kind donations of materials to Habitat are tax deductible under IRS code 501(c)(3). Donations made via our website auto-generate a donation receipt. All other donation receipts can be received from our finance department.